Frequently Asked Questions

  • I am located in Los Angeles. I offer online, and in certain circumstances, in-person sessions.

  • I use a HIPAA-compliant Zoom room for my online sessions. You do not need a Zoom account, and you can use any device with adequate internet access. You will come in with your own supplies, on occasion I may request that you bring certain art supplies.

  • I do offer in-person sessions on a case-by-case basis.

  • Investing in your personal therapy is a powerful and transformative step towards prioritizing your mental health and overall well-being. By choosing private pay therapy, you are making a deliberate commitment to yourself, allowing for a more personalized and comprehensive therapeutic experience. My current rate is $225 per 50-minute session.

  • I do not accept insurance. I am private pay only. At this time, I do not provide superbills.

  • During the first session we will get to know each other. Often you will make art, but not always.

  • The length of therapy depends on your individual needs and goals. The length of our work together can be adjusted based on your progress and evolving needs.

  • Absolutely not! Art therapy is not about artistic skill or creating "perfect" artwork. It is about the process of self-expression and self-discovery. Prior art experience is optional, as the focus is on the therapeutic benefits of engaging in the creative process rather than the end result.

  • Art therapy offers a powerful means of self-expression and exploration for individuals affected by adoption. Through art-making and guided discussions, art therapy provides a safe and supportive space to process emotions, navigate identity, and address adoption-related trauma. It can facilitate healing, foster self-awareness, and promote personal growth and empowerment.

  • The next one starts September 17, 2024! Enrollment is open. Learn more and sign up here.

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